Meet Taylor, Julie, and Christina:
Our front office team has grown to even better serve our clients! When reaching out to us for any information or to book any of our services you’ll be greeted by one of our awesome office members Taylor, Julie, or Christina! They are the faces and voices of our front desk and are an integral part of the Premier team at the very center of all communications! We truly have them to thank for making everything at Premier run so efficiently.
Meet Premier’s Office Manager, Taylor!

Office Manager
” Hi everyone! I am so grateful to be a part of the Premier team. For as long I can remember I’ve always had a four-legged family member. My family has always rescued our fur babies, I wholehearted believe that every dog deserves a second chance. When I moved out on my own, I realized I couldn’t be without a dog which led me to adopt my pride and joy “Daisy Dukes”. While I may not have rescued her, she most definitely rescued me. She loves coming into Premier with me every day for daycare. I have also just newly adopted another fur baby named “Dozer”. When we aren’t at Premier you can find us going for walks, going for car rides to get a pup cup and on special occasions eating McDonalds French fries! I cannot wait to meet you and your fur babies. I will definitely be loving on them just like they’re my own! Talk soon! ” – Taylor
Meet Premier’s Receptionist, Julie!

Front Desk Representative
“I joined the Premier family in April of 2023. My time here has be so much fun so far, and I am loving every moment of it! I grew up surrounded from all types of animals, from hermit crabs to horses, and many in between, but dogs have always admittedly ranked as my favorite. I currently have two pups of my own at home – a Newfoundland named Brie, and a rescue tri-pawd spaniel mix named Jax. When I am not loving on your dogs at Premier Dog Training, I can be found at home training my own fur babies, painting, or reading a good book. I cannot wait to meet your furry friends!” – Julie
Meet Premier’s Receptionist, Christina!

Front Desk Representative
Meet Premier’s newest receptionist, Christina! Christina moved back to Maryland last summer from living in Germany for four years! While living abroad, her and her husband were able to travel to 27 new countries and bring their pup to 13 of those! Aside from traveling, Christina enjoys spending time with family, watching sports, camping, and hanging out with her new pup Winnie!
Meet one of Premier’s Kennel Managers, Dianna!